What's New? Version History
Software Licensing
Our Software is open source and released under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
What's new in v4.3.0
Version 4.3.0 is a minor release, but brings a great number of improvements and new functionalities as listed in the following:
- Added support for running the 3D City Database in a Docker container.
- The database version was updated to 4.1.0. The IS_XLINK column of the SURFACE_GEOMETRY table can now take the values 0, 1, and 2 to be able to distinguish between geometry references across top-level features and references within the same top-level feature.
- The Importer/Exporter was updated to version 4.3.0: Completely redesigned command-line interface (CLI) to be able to invoke default import, export and delete operations without the need for passing an XML config file.
- CityJSON import and export.
- Improved CityGML export performance (up tp 10-15 times faster in case the Importer/Exporter is not running on the same machine or in the same local network as the database server).
- Implemented a more modern GUI look & feel that scales better on HiDPI displays.
- Extended ADE export API to support the export of ADE data in KML/COLLADA/glTF.
- Enhanced LoD export filter with the option to only export the minimum or maximum LoD of a city object.
- Added a feature version filter to be able to query city objects that have been terminated in the database.
- Added more filter options to the KML/COLLADA/glTF export and substantially reworked the preference settings. A bounding box filter is not mandatory for KML/COLLADA/glTF exports anymore.
- Added support for exporting binary glTF and Draco compression in KML/COLLADA/glTF exports.
- The 3D Webmap client was updated to version 1.9.0: Added support for retrieving and displaying thematic datasource from KML documents themselves
- Added support for loading KML/COLLADA/glTF layers via proxy
- Added support for clamping KML models to ground
- The web client now supports both .gltf and binary .glb files. It automatically detects for each individual object whether a .gltf or a .glb is present and visualize accordingly
- Support to query thematic data for clicked 3D objects from Google Spreadsheets and database tables via PostgREST. It is possible to access own private/non-public Google Spreadsheets using OAuth. Two table types (horizontal, vertical) are possible. Check the documentation on the differences.
- Completely updated user manual at https://3dcitydb-docs.readthedocs.io/en/release-v4.3.0/
- Further bugfixes and improvements
See the 3DCityDB change log, Importer/Exporter change log, and 3D-Webmap-Client change log for the complete list of changes.
What's new in v4.1.0 & 4.2.0
Versions 4.2.0 and 4.1.0 are minor releases. Notable new features and additions are listed as follows:
- Support for using SQL queries and XML-based filter expressions in CityGML exports. Please refer to the documentation to learn more about the new filter capabilities.
- Support for importing CityGML data from ZIP/GZIP files and for exporting CityGML content to ZIP/GZIP files.
- Due to changes in the Google Maps API license and usage terms, the Google services now require an API key. This affects the map window and the KML/COLLADA/glTF export of the Importer/Exporter, where Google services are used for address searches and for retrieving height values from the Google Earth terrain model. Google API keys can be entered in the 3D webmap client and in the preferences of the Importer/Exporter. The map window now uses OSM Nominatim as the default geocoding service, so no need for a Google API key.
- Reworked Plugin API to support non-GUI plugins. Added CityGMLExportExtension as a first non-GUI extension point for plugins. Using this extension, a plugin receives and can process all CityGML features before they are written to the output file. Besides using XSLT stylesheets for CityGML exports, this adds another way of having full control over the output.
- Property projections can now also be defined for abstract feature types.
- Added a counter and a progress bar to spreadsheet exports.
- Upgrade to latest PostgreSQL driver v42.2.5 and PostGIS driver v2.3.0.
- Upgrade to latest Oracle driver 18.3.
- The database version was updated to 4.0.1. While there is no change in the relational database schema, a bug was fixed in the V3_to_V4 migration script when updating a 3DCityDB v3.0.0 instance to v4.0.
- Further bugfixes and improvements
See the 3DCityDB change log and the Importer/Exporter change log for the complete list of changes.
What's new in v4.0.0
Version 4.0.0 is a major release. Notable new features and additions are listed as follows:
- Support for CityGML Application Domain Extensions (ADEs): CityGML ADEs can be registered; new database tables are automatically being generated based on the CityGML ADE’s XML Schema file. Also the respective database scripts for e.g. object deletion are generated automatically. The 3DCityDB Importer/Exporter supports reading and writing of CityGML datasets having ADE contents, when an appropriate JAR library is being given. Examples are provided how to create such a JAR library.
- New metadata tables ADE, SCHEMA, SCHEMA_REFERENCING and SCHEMA_TO_OBJECTCLASS for registering CityGML ADEs
- New batch (Windows) and shell (UNIX, macOS) scripts for interactively setting up or dropping a 3DCityDB instance. The new shell scripts provide improved user dialogs. At the same time, we stripped all interactive prompts from the SQL scripts to better support automation workflows
- Improved performance on stored procedures by reducing amount of dynamic SQL
- Added OBJECTCLASS_ID column to all feature tables to distinguish CityGML core features from features defined in a CityGML ADE, and extended information stored in OBJECTCLASS
- DELETE and ENVELOPE are now generated automatically in order to deal with schema changes introduced by ADEs
- New SQL scripts to create additional 3DCityDB data schemas in one database (PostgreSQL), or to grant read-only or full read-write access to another schema (Oracle and PostgreSQL)
- 3DCityDB Docker images are now available for a range of 3DCityDB versions to support continuous integration workflows
- Bugfixes and further improvements
What's new in v3.3.0
Version 3.3.0 is a major release. Most important updates and new features are
- Support for glTF export in addition to the KML/COLLADA export. In case of tiled export, the generated KML/COLLADA/glTF models are organized with a hierarchical directory structure according to a specific tiling schema
- Newly included Cesium-based 3D web viewer (3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client) allows direct 3D visualization and interactive exploration of the datasets (KML/glTF modes + online spreadsheets) exported using the Importer/Exporter
- The Import/Export tool now supports checking of the version of the 3DCityDB before connecting
- Added database procedures to calculate the ENVELOPE of city objects. The Importer/Exporter also provides a user dialog to calculate the ENVELOPE of city objects in the database
- The MIGRATION scripts for Oracle have been optimized to achieve a better performance
- Completely revised and updated documentation
What's new in v3.0.0
Version 3.0.0 is a major release. Most important updates and new features are
- Extended database schema supporting all CityGML 2.0.0 feature types
- CityGML Importer/Exporter supporting both CityGML 2.0.0 and 1.0.0
- KML/COLLADA exports can comprise all CityGML 2.0 top-level feature types
- Improved database schema to better handle CityGML datasets with texture atlases
- Integrated support of Oracle (Spatial and Locator) and PostGIS within the Importer/Exporter
- Basic Web Feature Service compliant with the Simple WFS profile of the OGC WFS 2.0 specification
- Plugin for exporting thematic data to spreadsheets in CSV or Microsoft Excel format as well as directly to Google Spreadsheets in the Cloud
- Migration scripts for upgrading from a database schema version 2.1.0 to 3.0.0
- Entirely rewritten and integrated documentation
What's new in v1.6.0
This release is mainly a maintenance and bug fix release which improves the stability and performance of the Importer/Exporter tool
What's new in v1.5.0
- Enhancement of the KML/COLLADA export facilites to any CityGML top-level features (CityFurniture, LandUse, Transportation, etc.)
- KML/COLLADA exports comprising all top-level feature types
- Balloon template enhancement through SPECIAL_KEYWORDS for data that has to be preprocessed before KML/COLLADA export
- Greatly improved performance of bounding box filters in the PostGIS version
- Lossless storage and export of address data
- Support for point and line geometries of GenericCityObjects
What's new in v1.4.0-postgis
- First officially released PostGIS version of the Importer/Exporter
- Supports CityGML imports & exports
- Supports KML/COLLADA exports
- Based on citygml4j 1.0.1
- Runs with JDBC-drivers postgresql-9.0-901.jdbc4.jar and postgis-2.0.0SVN.jar
- Extra source code for handling binary data as LOBs in the database (not used for the setup)
What's new in v1.4.0
- Map window for graphical selection of any Bounding Boxes
- Full support of 3D CRS and 3D coordinate transformations
- New functionalities can be incrementally added via Plugins
- CityGML import extended with affine transformation capability
- CityGML export improved with generation of unique texture filenames
- Proxy support for HTTP; HTTPS and SOCKS protocols added
- Minor changes and extensions
- Several bug fixes
What's new in v1.3.0
- Support for KML/COLLADA exports
- Management of user-defined Coordinate Reference Systems
- CityGML export enhancements (coordinate transformations, tiling)
- Rework and redesign of the Matching/Merging tool
- Minor changes and extensions
- Several bug fixes